Lower order terms in Szego type limit theorems on Zoll manifolds
Lower semi-continuity of integrals with G-quasiconvex potential
Lp estimates for non smooth bilinear Littlewood-Paley square functions on R
Lp-boundedness of flag kernels on homogeneous groups
Lp-distributions on symmetric spaces
Lp-multipliers on compact Lie groups
Lushness, numerical index 1 and the Daugavet property in rearrangement invariant spaces
Lyapunov theorems for Banach spaces
L^1-convergence of complex double Fourier series
L^p Bernstein estimates and approximation by spherical basis functions
L^p estimates for Feynman-Kac propagators with time-dependent reference measures
l^p-cohomology for groups of type FP_n
L^p-summability of Riesz means for the sublaplacian on complex spheres