Dirichlet forms and stochastic completeness of graphs and subgraphs
Dirichlet Forms on Laakso and Barlow-Evans Fractals of Arbitrary Dimension
Dirichlet/Neumann problems and Hardy classes for the planar conductivity equation
Discrepancy principle for DSM
Discrete approximation of functionals with jumps and creases
Discrete Spectrum of a Model Operator Related to Three-Particle Discrete Schrödinger Operators
Discrete Tracy-Widom Operators
Discrete Wave-front sets of Fourier Lebesgue and modulation space types
Discreteness of the spectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
Discretization and affine approximation in high dimensions
Discretization of continuous frame
Discrimination of earthquakes and explosions in the eastern United States using regional high-frequency data
Disintegration of cylindrical measures
Disjointly strictly singular inclusions of symmetric spaces
Dissipativity of the delay semigroup
Distances between Banach spaces
Distances between composition operators
Distinguished Varieties
Distorted Hankel integral operators
Distorting Mixed Tsirelson Spaces