Compact failure of multiplicativity for linear maps between Banach algebras
Compact groups of positive operators on Banach lattices
Compact Hankel operators on generalized Bergman spaces of the polydisc
Compact homomorphisms between Dales-Davie algebras
Compact Inverses of The Multipoint Normal Diferential Operators For First Order
Compact multipliers on spaces of analytic functions
Compact operators that commute with a contraction
Compact Operators via the Berezin Transform
Compact Perturbations of Fredholm n-tuples
Compact Perturbations of Fredholm n-tuples II
Compact range property and operators on $C^*$-algebras
Compact Sets in Bide - Side Grand Lebesgue Spaces, with Applications
Compact subsets of $\Ps(\N)$ with applications to the embedding of symmetric sequence spaces into $C(α)$
Compact weighted composition operators and fixed points in convex domains
Compactifications, Hartman functions and (weak) almost periodicity
Compactly convex sets in linear topological spaces
Compactly supported shearlet frames and optimally sparse approximations of functions in $L^2(\mathbb{R}^3)$ with piecewise $C^α$ singularities
Compactly Supported Shearlets
Compactly Supported Shearlets are Optimally Sparse
Compactly supported wavelets and representations of the Cuntz relations