Classification of All Noncommutative Polynomials Whose Hessian Has Negative Signature One and A Noncommutative Second Fundamental Form
Classification of Banach Spaces --its Topological and Cardinality Properties
Classification of General Sequences by Frame-Related Operators
Classification of normal operators in spaces with indefinite scalar product of rank 2
Classifications of ultrametric spaces according to roundness
Classifying characteristic functions giving Weyl-Heisenberg frames
Classifying Complemented Subspaces of $L_p$ with Alspach Norm
Classifying Tight Weyl-Heisenberg Frames
Closable Multipliers
Closed and exact functions in the context of Ginzburg-Landau models
Closed graph and open mapping theorems for topological $\wt{\C}$-modules and applications
Closure of Smooth Maps in $W^{1,p}(B^3;S^2)$
Cluster point processes on manifolds
Coarse embeddability into Banach spaces
Coarse version of the Banach-Stone theorem
Coefficient Quantization for Frames in Banach Spaces
Coefficient Quantization in Banach Spaces
Coercive Inequalities on Metric Measure Spaces
Cohen-Host type idempotent theorems for representations on Banach spaces and applications to Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras
Coherent states quantization of generalized bergman spaces on the unit ball of cn with a new formula for their associated berezin transforms