Category theorems for stable operators on Hilbert spaces
Category theorems for stable semigroups
Central limit theorems for Coxeter systems and Artin systems of extra large type
Central points and measures and dense subsets of compact metric spaces
Centralizers of Toeplitz operators with polynomial symbols
Centroid Bodies and the Logarithmic Laplace Transform - A Unified Approach
Centroids and comparison of volumes
Certain properties of d'Alambert functions of celestial mechanics
Certifying the restricted isometry property is hard
Chain Rules for Linear Openness in Metric Spaces. Applications to Parametric Variational Systems
Changes of variables in modulation and Wiener amalgam spaces
Chaos for Cowen-Douglas operators
Chaotic Banach algebras
Chaotic Dynamics of the heat semigroup on the Damek-Ricci spaces
Character Inner Amenability of Certain Banach Algebras
Characterising derivations from the disc algebra to its dual
Characterising subspaces of Banach spaces with a Schauder basis having the shift property
Characterising weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra
Characterising weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra
Characteristic Classes on Grassmann Manifolds