Conservative discrete time-invariant systems and block operator CMV matrices
Constrained extremal problems in the Hardy space H2 and Carleman's formulas
Constrained von Neumann inequalities
Constructing all self-adjoint matrices with prescribed spectrum and diagonal
Constructing exact solutions for special cases of Einstein equations in vacuum
Constructing finite frames of a given spectrum and set of lengths
Constructing non-compact operators into $c_0$
Constructing pairs of dual bandlimited frame wavelets in $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$
Construction of $\mathcal L^p$-strong Feller Processes via Dirichlet Forms and Applications to Elliptic Diffusions
Construction of bipotentials and a minimax theorem of Fan
Construction of Compactly Supported Shearlet Frames
Construction of frames for shift-invariant spaces
Construction of pathological maximally monotone operators on non-reflexive Banach spaces
Construction of some Quantum Stochastic Operator Cocycles by the Semigroup Method
Construction of some types wavelets with coefficient of scaling N
Construction of Symmetric Complex Tight wavelet Frames from Pseudo Splines via Matrix Extension with Symmetry
Constructions of $\Cal L_p$ spaces for $p \in (1,\infty)\setminus \{2\}$
Constructions of Majorizing Measures, Bernoulli processes and cotype
Constructions of regular algebras $L_p^w(G)$
Constructions of sequential spaces