$2B_{p}$ and $4B_{p}$ are topologically conjugate
$AC(σ)$ operators
$C^1$-smoothness of Nemytskii operators on Sobolev-type spaces of periodic functions
$C^k$-smooth approximations of LUR norms
$delta$-Quasi Cauchy Sequences
$H^1$-Projective Banach Spaces
$H^{\infty}$ functional calculus and square functions on noncommutative $L^p$-spaces
$L^1$ is complemented in the dual space $L^{\infty *}$
$L^2$-spectral invariants and quasi-crystal graphs
$L^p$ bounds for singular integrals and maximal singular integrals with rough kernels
$L^p$ continuity of wave operators in $\Bbb Z$
$L^p-$maximal regularity on Banach spaces with a Schauder basis
$L^\infty$ to $L^p$ constants for Riesz projections
$L^{p}-$solutions of the stochastic transport equation
$L_{p}[0,1] \setminus \bigcup\limits_{q>p} L_{q}[0,1]$ is spaceable for every $p>0$
$M$-structures in vector-valued polynomial spaces
$n$-Subspaces in linear and unitary spaces
$N_{\p}$-type quotient modules on the torus
$p$-Adic multiresolution analyses
$q$-norms are really norms