The Tanno-Theorem for Kählerian metrics with arbitrary signature
The Taylor expansion of Ruelle L-function at the origin and the Borel regulator
The Teichmüller Space of Pinched Negatively Curved Metrics on a Hyperbolic Manifold is not Contractible
The Theorem of Kronheimer-Mrowka
The theorem of the complement for nested subpfaffian sets
The theorems of Green-Stokes,Gauss-Bonnet and Poincare-Hopf in Graph Theory
The Theory of Connections and the Problem of Existence of Backlund Transformations for Second Order Evolution Equations
The third order helicity of magnetic fields via link maps
The Three Gap Theorem and Riemannian Geometry
The time-dependent maximum principle for systems of parabolic equations subject to an avoidance set
The Toledo invariant on smooth varieties of general type
The Topological Classification of Minimal Surfaces in R^3
The topological obstructions to the existence of an irreducible SO(3) structure on a five manifold
The topology at infinity of a manifold supporting an $L^{q,p}$-Sobolev inequality
The topology of balls and Gromov hyperbolicity of Riemann surfaces
The Topology of Foliations Formed by the Generic K-Orbits of a Subclass of the Indecomposable MD5-Groups
The Topology of Open Manifolds with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature
The topology, geometry and conformal structure of properly embedded minimal surfaces
The Torsion of Spinor Connections and Related Structures
The Total Gauss Curvature of a Three-Manifold Immersed in r 4