R torsion and analytic torsion for a conical frustum
Radarclinometry for the Venus radar mapper
Radial Balanced metrics on the unit disk
Radiation structures on isotropic hypersurfaces
Ramification estimates for the hyperbolic Gauss map
Random Construction of Riemann Surfaces
Random Delaunay triangulations and metric uniformization
Random Delaunay triangulations, the Thurston-Andreev theorem, and metric uniformization
Random k-Surfaces
Range description for a spherical mean transform on spaces of constant curvatures
Rank 2 distributions of Monge equations: symmetries, equivalences, extensions
Rank One Higgs Bundles and Representations of Fundamental Groups of Riemann Surfaces
Rank one symmetric spaces and Rigidity
Rational curves and ordinary differential equations
Rational Homology 5-Spheres with Positive Ricci Curvature
Rational homotopy types of mirror manifolds
Rationality of secondary classes
Ray-Singer Type Theorem for the Refined Analytic Torsion
Rays and souls in von Mangoldt planes
Real $K3$ surfaces without real points, equivariant determinant of the Laplacian, and the Borcherds Phi-function