L'aire des triangles ideaux en geometrie de Hilbert
L'invariant de Bieri Neumann Strebel des groupes fondamentaux des varietes kaehleriennes
L-Connections and Associated Tensors
L-convex-concave sets in real projective space and L-duality
L-infinity algebra actions
L-infinity algebra connections and applications to String- and Chern-Simons n-transport
L-infinity algebras from multisymplectic geometry
L-regular linear connections
L1TV computes the flat norm for boundaries
L2 p-Forms and Ricci flow with bounded curvature on manifolds
L2-cohomology of negatively curved Kaehler manifolds of finite volume
L2-torsion of hyperbolic manifolds
La borne de Jacobi pour une diffi{é}t{é} d{é}finie par un syst{è}me quasi r{é}gulier
LA-Courant algebroids and their applications
Lagrange Geometries on Tangent Manifolds
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism in Field Theory: a simple model
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Geometries. Applications to Analytical Mechanics
Lagrangian angles of family of Lagrangian fibrations under mean curvature flow
Lagrangian correspondences and Donaldson's TQFT construction of the Seiberg-Witten invariants of 3-manifolds
Lagrangian curves on spectral curves of monopoles