Isospectral surfaces with distinct covering spectra via Cayley Graphs
Isothermic and S-Willmore Surfaces as Solutions to Blaschke's Problem
Isothermic hypersurfaces in R^{n+1}
Isothermic submanifolds of Euclidean space
Isothermic submanifolds of symmetric $R$-spaces
Isothermic surfaces in $\E^3$ as soliton surfaces
Isothermic surfaces in sphere geometries as Moutard nets
Isothermic surfaces: conformal geometry, Clifford algebras and integrable systems
Isotropic subbundles of $TM\oplus T^*M$
Iterated Differential Forms I: Tensors
Iterated Differential Forms II: Riemannian Geometry Revisited
Iterated Differential Forms III: Integral Calculus
Iterated Differential Forms IV: C-Spectral Sequence
Iterated Differential Forms V: C-Spectral Sequence on Infinite Jet Spaces
Iterated Differential Forms VI: Differential Equations
Iterated Grafting and Holonomy Lifts of Teichmueller space
Iterated Integrals and higher order invariants
Iterated integrals over higher dimensional loops
Iteration of closed geodesics in stationary Lorentzian manifolds