A generalized mean value inequality for subharmonic functions and applications
A generalized polygamma function
A generating function for non-standard orthogonal polynomials involving differences: the Meixner case
A geometric construction for fractal sets and related linear operators
A geometric estimate on the norm of product of functionals
A Geometric Index Reduction Method for Implicit Systems of Differential Algebraic Equations
A glimpse inside the mathematical kitchen
A glimpse into the life and times of F.V.Atkinson
A high order $q$-difference equation for $q$-Hahn multiple orthogonal polynomials
A high-school algebra wallet-sized proof, of the Bieberbach conjecture After L. Weinstein]
A Hilbert Space Perspective on Ordinary Differential Equations with Memory Term
A Holder Continuous Nowhere Improvable Function with Derivative Singular Distribution
A Holonomic Ideal Annihilating the Fisher-Bingham Integral
A hybrid Volterra-type equation with two types of impulses
A hysteresis model for two-dimensional input signals
A Jordan-Hoelder Theorem for Differential Algebraic Groups
A lethargy result for real analytic functions
A limit $q=-1$ for the big q-Jacobi polynomials
A Limit Relation for Dunkl-Bessel Functions of Type A and B
A Littlewood-Paley type theorem on orthoprojectors onto mutually orthogonal subspaces of piecewise polynomial functions and its corollary