A formula for a quartic integral: a survey of old proofs and some new ones
A Formula for Inserting Point Masses
A Four-parametric Rational Solution to Painleve' VI
A fractal dimension estimate for a graph-directed IFS of non-similarities
A Fredholm determinant formula for Toeplitz determinants
A Freiman-type theorem for locally compact abelian groups
A Frobenius-type theorem for singular Lipschitz distributions
A Generalisation of an Ostrowski Inequality in Inner Product Spaces
A generalisation of the Bernoulli numbers from the discrete to the continuous
A Generalisation of the Cassels and Greub-Reinboldt Inequalities in Inner Product Spaces
A generalization of Clausen's identity
A Generalization of Euler's Hypergeometric Transformation
A Generalization of Golab's Theorem and Applications to fracture mechanics
A generalization of Kummer's identity
A generalization of Marstrand's theorem for projections of cartesian products
A Generalization of Monotonicity Condition and Applications
A generalization of the Heine--Stieltjes theorem
A generalization of the Widder potential transform and applications
A generalized Allwright formula and the vector Riccati equation
A Generalized Apery Series