A description of all solutions of the matrix Hamburger moment problem in a general case
A difference-integral representation of Koornwinder polynomials
A dilogarithmic integral arising in quantum field theory
A Dilution Test for the Convergence of Subseries of a Monotone Series
A Dimension Reduction Scheme for the Computation of Optimal Unions of Subspaces
A dimensionally continued Poisson summation formula
A Direct Proof of Landen's Transformation
A dozen integrals: Russell-style
A factorization method for q-Racah polynomials
A family of measures associated with iterated function systems
A family of Nikishin systems with periodic recurrence coefficients
A family of Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Ball
A Family of Unitary Operators Satisfying a Poisson-type Summation Formula
A few aspects of analysis on metric spaces
A few remarks about operator theory, topology, and analysis on metric spaces
A few remarks on sampling of signals with small spectrum
A few riddles behind Rolle's theorem
A First Order $q$-Difference System for the $BC_1$-Type Jackson Integral and Its Applications
A Floquet-Liapunov theorem in Frechet spaces
A formula connecting the Bernoulli numbers with the Stieltjes constants