The uniform Korn - Poincaré inequality in thin domains
The validity of the analog of the Riemann hypothesis for some parts of $ζ(s)$ and the new formula for $π(x)$
The values of an Euler sum at negative integers and relation to a convolution of Bernoulli numbers
The variable exponent BV-Sobolev capacity
The Vector Valued Quartile Operator
The vector-valued big q-Jacobi transform
The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson
The weak type $(1,1)$ bounds for the maximal function associated to cubes grow to infinity with the dimension
The weak-type $(1,1)$ of Fourier integral operators of order $-(n-1)/2$
The weak-type (1,1) of L \log L homogeneous convolution operators
The Wilson function transform
The \bar\partial_b-complex on decoupled boundaries in C^n
Theta Functions, Elliptic Hypergeometric Series, and Kawanaka's Macdonald Polynomial Conjecture
Theta hypergeometric integrals
Theta hypergeometric series
Thin and fat sets for doubling measures in metric spaces
Three results in Dunkl theory
Three-term idempotent counterexamples in the Hardy-Littlewood majorant problem
Tiles with no spectra
Tiling and spectral properties of near-cubic domains