The Sturm-Liouville problem and the Polar Representation Theorem
The Sum of Certain Series Related to Harmonic Numbers
The supremum of autoconvolutions, with applications to additive number theory
The Symmetrical $H_{q}$-Semiclassical Orthogonal Polynomials of Class One
The Synchrosqueezing algorithm: a robust analysis tool for signals with time-varying spectrum
The Szego class with a polynomial weight
The Takagi Function and Its Properties
The Takagi function: a survey
The theory of disconjugacy for a second order linear differential equation
The topology of the monodromy map of the second order ODE
The topology of the spectrum for Gelfand pairs on Lie groups
The tree method for multidimensional q-Hahn and q-Racah polynomials
The truncated Fourier operator. I
The truncated Fourier operator. II
The truncated Fourier operator. III
The truncated Fourier Operator. IV
The Truncated Fourier Operator. V
The Two Weight Inequality for Hilbert Transform, Coronas, and Energy Conditions
The Uncertainty Principle for certain densities
The Uncertainty Principle for relatively dense sets and lacunary spectra