A second addition formula for continuous q-ultraspherical polynomials
A Selberg integral for the Lie algebra A_n
A semiclassical perspective on multivariate orthogonal polynomials
A sequence of discrete minimal energy configurations that does not converge in the weak-star topology
A Series Expansion for Integral Powers of Arctangent
A set of orthogonal polynomials, dual to alternative q-Charlier polynomials
A seventeenth-order polylogarithm ladder
A sharp bilinear restriction estimate for paraboloids
A sharp bound for the Stein-Wainger oscillatory integral
A sharp estimate of weighted dyadic shifts of complexity 0 and 1
A Short Proof of a Known Relation for Consecutive Power Sums
A signed analog of Euler's reduction formula for the double zeta function
A simple example of a new class of Landen transformation
A simple observation about compactness and fast decay of Fourier coefficients
A simple proof of Bailey's very-well-poised 6-psi-6 summation
A simple proof of the $A_2$ conjecture
A simple proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the Lebesgue integral
A simplified multidimensional integral
A stability result for Neumann problems in dimension $N \ge 3$
A stability version of Hölder's inequality