A quantitative version of the non-abelian idempotent theorem
A question by Chihara about shell polynomials and indeterminate moment problems
A recurrence relation for the Li/Keiper constants in terms of the Stieltjes constants
A recursive bound for a Kakeya-type maximal operator
A Reduced Form for Linear Differential Systems and its Application to Integrability of Hamiltonian Systems
A refinement of a double inequality for the gamma function
A refinement of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality
A refinement of the inequality between arithmetic and geometric means
A remark about positive polynomials
A Remark on "Two-Sided" Monotonicity Condition: An Application to $L^{p}$ Convergence
A remark on circular means of Fourier transforms of measures
A remark on Littlewood-Paley theory for the distorted Fourier transform
A remark on perturbations of sine and cosine sums
A remark on two weight estimates for positive dyadic operators
A resolution of singularities algorithm for local fields of characteristic zero and some applications
A Riemann--Lebesgue lemma for Jacobi expansions
A Riemann-Hilbert Approach to the Akhiezer Polynomials
A right inverse of the Askey-Wilson operator
A sampler in analysis
A Sard theorem for Tame Set-Valued mappings