A Pick function related to the sequence of volumes of the unit ball in n-space
A pointwise estimate for the Fourier transform and the number of maxima of a function
A Pólya criterion for (strict) positive definiteness on the sphere
A positive radial product formula for the Dunkl kernel
A priori $L^p$ estimates for solutions of Riemann-Hilbert Problems
A Probablistic Origin for a New Class of Bivariate Polynomials
A problem of Klee on inner section functions of convex bodies
A problem on completeness of exponentials
A product convergence theorem for Henstock--Kurzweil integrals
A product of Gamma function values at fractions with the same denominator
A proof of a multivariable elliptic summation formula conjectured by Warnaar
A proof of Kummer's theorem
A proof of the invariance of the contact angle in Electrowetting
A proof of the local $Tb$ Theorem for standard Calderón-Zygmund operators
A proof of the weak (1,1) inequality for singular integrals with non doubling measures based on a Calderon-Zygmund decomposition
A property of logarithmically absolutely monotonic functions and the logarithmically complete monotonicity of a power-exponential function
A q-analogue of convolution on the line
A q-analogue of Graf's addition formula for the Hahn-Exton q-Bessel function
A quantitative version of the Besicovitch projection theorem via multiscale analysis
A quantitative version of the idempotent theorem in harmonic analysis