A note on Exact solution of SIR and SIS epidemic models
A note on existence and uniqueness of limit cycles for Liénard systems
A Note on Generating Functions for Hausdorff Moment Sequences
A Note on Hadamard Inequalities for the Product of the Convex Functions
A note on Khabibullin's conjecture for integral inequalities
A Note on Maximal Averages in the Plane
A Note On Mixed Mean Inequalities
A note on monomials
A note on parameter derivatives of classical orthogonal polynomials
A note on Poisson brackets for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle
A note on propagation of singularities of semiconcave functions of two variables
A note on restricted X-ray transforms
A note on some peculiar nonlinear extremal phenomena of the Chebyshev polynomials
A note on Sturm-Liouville problems whose spectrum is the set of prime numbers
A Note on Sums of Powers
A Note on the 2F1 Hypergeometric Function
A note on the computation of Puiseux series solutions of the Riccatti equation associated with a homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation
A note on the cone restriction conjecture in the cylindrically symmetric case
A note on the dependence on parameters for a nonlinear system via monotonicity theory
A note on the Gurov-Reshetnyak condition