A new approach to the asymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials
A new approach to the real numbers
A new approach to the reconstruction of images from Radon projections
A New Approach to Universality at the Edge of the Spectrum
A New Approach to Universality Limits involving Orthogonal Polynomials
A new A_n extension of Ramanujan's 1-psi-1 summation with applications to multilateral A_n series
A new bound for finite field Besicovitch sets in four dimensions
A new characterization of Sobolev spaces on $\mathbb{R}^n$
A new class of generalized Bernoulli polynomials and Euler polynomials
A new class of numerical sequences and its applications to uniform convergence of sine series
A new condition for the uniform convergence of certain trigonometric series
A New Convexity Result and the Multiple Access Channel
A new derivation of Hermite's integral for the Hurwitz zeta function
A new estimate for Bochner-Riesz operators at the critical index on the weighted Hardy spaces
A new family of periodic functions as explicit roots of a class of polynomial equations
A New Formula for the Natural Logarithm of a Natural Number
A new fractal dimension: The topological Hausdorff dimension
A new integral solution of the hypergeometric equation
A New Method For Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations
A new multivariable 6-psi-6 summation formula