Restrictions of continuous functions
Restrictions of smooth functions to a closed subset
Resurgence of the Euler-MacLaurin summation formula
Resurgence of the fractional polylogarithms
Resurgent Deformations for an Ordinary Differential Equation of Order 2
Retarded integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bihari type
Reverses of the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz Inequality for n-tuples of Complex Numbers
Reverses of the Triangle Inequality in Banach Spaces
Review of "Garden of integrals"
Review of Mathematical Techniques Applicable in Astrophysical Reaction Rate Theory
Riccati equations and convolution formulas for functions of Rayleigh type
Ricci curvature, entropy and optimal transport
Riemann hypothesis and some new asymptotically multiplicative integrals which contain the remainder of the prime-counting function $π(x)$
Riemann hypothesis and some new integrals connected with the integral negativity of the remainder in the formula for the prime-counting function $π(x)$
Riemann integration via primitives for a new proof to the change of variable theorem
Riemann--Hilbert analysis for Laguerre polynomials with large negative parameter
Riemann--Hilbert problems, matrix orthogonal polynomials and discrete matrix equations with singularity confinement
Riemann-Hilbert analysis for Jacobi polynomials orthogonal on a single contour
Riemann-Hilbert Methods in the Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials
Riesz Bases of Root Vectors of Indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions, I