Recurrence Coefficients of a New Generalization of the Meixner Polynomials
Recurrence coefficients of generalized Charlier polynomials and the fifth Painlevé equation
Recurrence relations and vector equilibrium problems arising from a model of non-intersecting squared Bessel paths
Recurrences for elliptic hypergeometric integrals
Recursive calculation of connection formulas for systems of differential equations of Okubo normal form
REDUCE package for the indefinite and definite summation
Reduction formulae for Karlsson-Minton type hypergeometric functions
Reduction of the Number of Quantifiers in Real Analysis through Infinitesimals (Master Thesis, Mathematics Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo)
Refinable shift invariant spaces in R^d
Refinements and sharpening of some Huygens and Wilker type inequalities
Refinements of Hermite-Hadamard inequality on simplices
Refinements of lower bounds for polygamma functions
Regularity for minimal sets near a union of two planes
Regularity of C^1 and Lipschitz domains in terms of the Beurling transform
Regularity results for fully nonlinear integro-differential operators with nonsymmetric positive kernels : Subcritical Case
Regularizations of general singular integral operators
Reifenberg Parameterizations for Sets with Holes
Relation between Turán extremum problem and van der Corput sets
Relations among Besov-Type Spaces, Triebel-Lizorkin-Type Spaces and Generalized Carleson Measure Spaces
Relations between $\mathcal{L}^p$- and Pointwise Convergence of Families of Functions Indexed by the Unit Interval