q-Analogues of Some Multivariable Biorthogonal Polynomials
q-damped Oscillator and degenerate roots of constant coefficients q-difference ODE
Q-Hermite polynomials and classical orthogonal polynomials
q-Laguerre polynomials and big q-Bessel functions and their orthogonality relations
Q-operator and factorised separation chain for Jack polynomials
q-Special functions, a tutorial
q-Special functions, an overview
q-Sturm-Liouville theory and the corresponding eigenfunction expansions
Quadratic $A_1$ bounds for commutators of singular integrals with BMO functions
Quadratic Differential Systems and Chazy Equations, I
Quadratic equations and monodromy evolving deformations
Quadratic Hermite-Pade approximation to the exponential function: a Riemann-Hilbert approach
Quadratic transformations and Guillera's formulae for $1/π^2$
Quadratic Transformations of the Sixth Painleve' Equation with Application to Algebraic Solutions
Quadratic variation, p-variation and integration with applications to stock price modelling
Quadrature formulas based on rational interpolation
Quadrature rules with (not too many) derivatives
Qualitative analysis of phase--portrait for a class of planar vector fields via the comparison method
Quantitative estimates in Beurling--Helson type theorems
Quantitative Robust Uncertainty Principles and Optimally Sparse Decompositions