Poincare index and periodic solutions of perturbed autonomous systems
Poincaré inequalities in quasihyperbolic boundary condition domains
Point classification of 2nd order ODEs: Tresse classification revisited and beyond
Point classification of the second order ODE's by Ruslan Sharipov and its application to Painleve equations
Point mass insertion on the real line and non-exponential perturbation of the recursion coefficients
Point-invariant classes of the third order ordinary differential equations
Pointwise analog of the Stečkin approximation theorem
Pointwise Characterizations of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces and Quasiconformal Mappings
Pointwise Convergence for Subsequences of Weighted Averages
Pointwise Convergence of Dyadic Partial Sums of Almost Periodic Fourier Series
Pointwise convergence of lacunary spherical means
Pointwise convergence of solutions to Schrödinger equations
Pointwise convergence of the ergodic bilinear Hilbert transform
Pointwise strong and very strong approximation by Fourier series of integrable functions
Pointwise strong approximation of almost periodic functions
Pointwise Trichotomy for Skew-Evolution Semiflows on Banach Spaces
Poisson type generators for L^1(R)
Polarization of an inequality
Polarizations and differential calculus in affine spaces
Poles Distribution of PVI Transcendents close to a Critical Point (summer 2011)