Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, I. How to control smooth functions?
Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions, II. The Bernstein quasianalytic functions
Lower semicontinuity via W^{1,q}-quasiconvexity
Lowering and raising operators for some special orthogonal polynomials
Lp and weak L1 estimates for the maximal Riesz transform and the maximal Beurling transform
Lp Convergence with Rates of Smooth Poisson-Cauchy Type Singular Operators
LU factorizations, q=0 limits, and p-adic interpretations of some q-hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
LULU operators and locally monotone approximations
LULU operators for functions of continuous argument
Lusin Area Function and Molecular Characterizations of Musielak-Orlicz Hardy Spaces and Their Applications
Lusin's Theorem and Bochner Integration
Lyapunov functions for nonuniform exponential dichotomy in Banach spaces
L^3 estimates for an algebraic variable coefficient Wolff circular maximal function
L^p boundedness of maximal averages over hypersurfaces in R^3
L^p bounds for a maximal dyadic sum operator
L^p estimates for a singular integral operator motivated by Calderón's second commutator
L^p regularity of averages over curves and bounds for associated maximal operators
L^p-spectral multipliers for the Hodge Laplacian acting on 1-forms on the Heisenberg group