Inversion of bilateral basic hypergeometric series
Inversion of signature for paths of bounded variation
Inversion of the Dual Dunkl-Sonine Transform on R Using Dunkl Wavelets
Inversion of the Spherical Mean Transform with Sources on a Hyperplane
Inversions of integral operators and elliptic beta integrals on root systems
Invertible Toeplitz products, weighted norm inequalities, and A${}_p$ weights
Inverting the spherical Radon transform for physically meaningful functions
Investigation of one boundary-value problem for elliptic type equation
Irrationality of $ζ_q(1)$ and $ζ_q(2)$
Irrationality of the Roots of the Yablonskii-Vorob'ev Polynomials and Relations between Them
Irrationality proof of a $q$-extension of $ζ(2)$ using little $q$-Jacobi polynomials
Irrationality proof of certain Lambert series using little q-Jacobi polynomials
Is Lebesgue measure the only $σ$-finite invariant Borel measure?
Is PLA large?
Isochronicity conditions for some planar polynomial systems II
Isometric immersions into the Minkowski spacetime for Lorentzian manifolds with limited regularity
Isomonodromic deformatiion with an irregular singularity and hyperelliptic curve
Isomonodromic deformation with an irregular singularity and the Theta function
Isomonodromy transformations of linear systems of difference equations
Issues related to Rubio de Francia's Littlewood--Paley Inequality: A Survey