Fractional Sums and Euler-like Identities
Frame analysis and approximation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Frame and wavelet systems on the sphere
Frame potential and finite abelian groups
Frame-type families of translates
Frames by Multiplication
Fredholm Determinant evaluations of the Ising Model diagonal correlations and their λ- generalisation
From dyadic $Λ_α$ to $Λ_α$
From exact systems to Riesz bases in the Balian-Low theorem
From polynomial growth to metric balls in monomial groups
From Rolle's theorem to the Sturm-Hurwitz theorem
From rotating needles to stability of waves; emerging connections between combinatorics, analysis and PDE
From Schrödinger spectra to orthogonal polynomials, via a functional equation
From Uniform Continuity to Absolute Continuity
Fuchsian equation, Hermite-Krichever Ansatz and Painlevé equation
Fuglede conjecture holds for convex planar domains
Fuglede's conjecture fails in dimension 4
Fuglede's conjecture for a union of two intervals
Function spaces of variable smoothness and integrability
Functional equations from generating functions: a novel approach to deriving identities for the Bernstein basis functions