Explicit Inversions of Certain Matrices I
Explicit Inversions of Certain Matrices II
Explicit localization estimates for spline-type spaces
Explicit multidimensional Ingham--Beurling type estimates
Explicit non-algebraic limit cycles for polynomial systems
Explicit Rational Solution of the KZ Equation (example)
Explicit Rational Solutions of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation
Explicit representations of biorthogonal polynomials
Explicit solution of the problem of equivalence for some Painleve equations
Exponent bounds for a convolution inequality in Euclidean space with applications to the Navier-Stokes equations
Exponential asymptotics and boundary value problems: keeping both sides happy at all orders
Exponential asymptotics, transseries, and generalized Borel summation for analytic rank one systems of ODE's
Exponential decay estimates for Singular Integral operators
Exponential Dichotomy and Trichotomy for Skew-Evolution Semiflows in Banach Spaces
Exponential Polynomials, Stirling Numbers,and Evaluation of Some Gamma Integrals
Exponential Riesz bases, discrepancy of irrational rotations and BMO
Exponential sums with coefficients 0 or 1 and concentrated L^{p} norms
Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Systems have Polynomial Lyapunov Functions on Bounded Regions
Expressions for values of the gamma function
Extension and averaging operators for finite fields