Existence and uniqueness of $v$-asymptotic expantions and Colombeau's generalized numbers
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to systems of delay dynamic equations on time scales
Existence and Uniqueness of Tri-tronquée Solutions of the second Painlevé hierarchy
Existence of doubling measures via generalised nested cubes
Existence of Extremals for a Fourier Restriction Inequality
Existence of minimal and maximal solutions to first--order differential equations with state--dependent deviated arguments
Existence of periodic solutions for the Lotka-Volterra type systems
Existence of Pseudo Almost Periodic Solutions to Some Classes of Partial Hyperbolic Evolution Equations
Existence of sign-changing solutions for the nonlinear $p$-Laplacian boundary value problem
Existence of solutions for dynamic inclusions on time scales via duality
Existence of sweeping process in Banach spaces under directional prox-regularity
Existence of V-bounded solutions for nonautonomous nonlinear systems via the Wazewski topological principle
Existence results for non-smooth second order differential inclusions, Convergence result for a numerical scheme and applications for modelling inelastic collisions
Existence, uniqueness, and stability of periodic solutions of an equation of Duffing type
Expansion formulas in terms of integer-order derivatives for the Hadamard fractional integral and derivative
Expansion of real valued meromorphic functions into Fourier trigonometric series
Expansion or extinction: deterministic and stochastic two-patch models with Allee effects
Expansions of one density via polynomials orthogonal with respect to the other
Expansions of _4F_3 when the upper parameters differ by integers
Explicit formulas for the $n$-th derivatives of the tangent and cotangent functions