Discrete Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory and multi-parameter Hardy spaces associated with flag singular integrals
Discrete Painlevé equations for recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials
Discrete radar ambiguity problems
Discriminants and Functional Equations for Polynomials Orthogonal on the Unit Circle
Disintegration of projective measures
Dissipative Boundary Conditions for Ordinary Differential Operators
Distance sets corresponding to convex bodies
Distances sets that are a shift of the integers and Fourier basis for planar convex sets
Distortion in the Spherical Metric under Quasiconformal Mappings
Distribution of points and Hardy type inequalities in spaces of homogeneous type
Distributions that are convolvable with generalized Poisson kernel of solvable extensions of homogeneous Lie groups
Distributions with dynamic test functions and multiplication by discontinuous functions
Divergence of combinatorial averages and the unboundedness of the trilinear Hilbert transform
Divergence of general localized operators on the sets of measure zero
Divergent Cesaro and Riesz means of Jacobi and Laguerre expansions
Divided Differences
Division by Flat Ultradifferentiable Functions and Sectorial Extensions
Dixmier traces and coarse multifractal analysis
Dokuchaev, N.G. The integral estimations for ordinary differential equations with a discontinuity on a domain boundary
Domain of attraction of asymptotically stable periodic solutions obtained via averaging principle