Conditions for correct solvability of a first order linear differential equation in space L_p(R) and asymptotic properties of its solutions
Conditions for Correct Solvability of a Simplest Singular Boundary Value Problem of General Form
Confluent hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials related to the rational quantum Calogero system with harmonic confinement
Conical stochastic maximal $L^p$-regularity for $1 \leq p \lt \infty$
Conjecture concerning a completely monotonic function
Conjugacy of P-configurations and nonlinear solutions to a certain conditional Cauchy equation
Connection Formulae for Asymptotics of Solutions of the Degenerate Third Painlevé Equation. I
Connection Formulae for Asymptotics of Solutions of the Degenerate Third Painleve' Equation: II
Connections between real polynomial solutions of hypergeometric-type differential equations with Rodrigues formula
Connections between Romanovski and other polynomials
Constrained deepest descent in the 2-Wasserstein metric
Constrained energy problems with external fields
Constrained energy problems with external fields for infinite dimensional vector measures
Constructing interpolating Blaschke products with given preimages
Construction a new generating function of Bernstein type polynomials
Construction of Continuous, Integrable Functions with Extreme Behavior at Infinity
Construction of Parseval wavelets from redundant filter systems
Construction of the Digamma Function by Derivative Definition
Construction of the solution of the inverse spectral problem for a system depending rationally on the spectral parameter, Borg-Marchenko-type theorem, and sine-Gordon equation
Contiguous relations of hypergeometric series