Complex-type numbers and generalizations of the Euler identity
Complexity reduction of C-algorithm
Composition of Haar Paraproducts: The Random Case
Compositions of Polynomials with Coefficients in a given Field
Compressible primitive equation: formal derivation and stability of weak solutions
Computation of a Feynman integral
Computation of Darboux polynomials and rational first integrals with bounded degree in polynomial time
Computation of RS-pullback transformations for algebraic Painleve VI solutions
Computation of the Generalized F Distribution
Computation of the Two Regular Super-Exponentials to base exp(1/e)
Computational aspects of the gravitational instability problem for a multicomponent cosmological medium
Computations on Some Hankel Matrices
Computing ODE Symmetries as Abnormal Variational Symmetries
Computing the $\sin_{p}$ function via the inverse power method
Computing the time-continuous Optimal Mass Transport Problem without Lagrangian techniques
Concentration of the integral norm of idempotents
Concerning Nikodym-type sets in 3-dimensional curved spaces
Concise sharpening and generalizations of Shafer's inequality for the arc sine function
Conditional linearizability criteria for a system of third-order ordinary differential equations
Conditional Linearizability Criteria for Scalar Fourth Order Semi-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations