$(L_p, L_q)$ estimates of potentials with oscillating kernel
$C^{1+α}$-Regularity for Two-Dimensional Almost-Minimal Sets in $\R^n$
$H^1$ and dyadic $H^1$
$L$-approximation of $B$-splines by trigonometric polynomials
$L^2$ bounds for a Kakeya type maximal operator in $\R^3$
$L^2$-norm and estimates from below for Riesz transforms on Cantor sets
$L^2-$interpolation with error and size of spectra
$L^p - L^{p'}$ estimates for overdetermined Radon transforms
$L^p$ Bernstein Inequalities and Inverse Theorems for RBF Approximation on $\mathbb{R}^d$
$L^p$ Boundedness of Commutators of Riesz Transforms associated to Schrödinger Operator
$L^p$ Error Estimates for Approximation by Sobolev Splines and Wendland Functions on $\mathbb{R}^d$
$L^p$ estimates for angular maximal functions associated with Stieltjes and Laplace transforms
$L^p$ estimates for the biest I. The Walsh case
$L^p$ estimates for the biest II. The Fourier case
$L^p$ estimates for the Hilbert transforms along a one-variable vector field
$L^p$ improving bounds for averages along curves
$L^p$ version of a result by Rankin
$L^p$-boundedness properties for the maximal operators for semigroups associated with Bessel and Laguerre operators
$L^p$-boundeness properties of variation operators in the Schrodinger setting
$L^p$-continuity for Calderón--Zygmund operator