Semistrict Tamsamani n-groupoids and connected n-types
Separable morphisms of simplicial sets
Separated Lie models and the homotopy Lie algebra
Sheaf Theory for Étale Geometric Stacks
Sheaves of ordered spaces and interval theories
Sheaves on Triangulated Spaces and Koszul Duality
Shellability and Regularity of Chain Complexes over a Principal Ring
Simple $S_r$-homotopy types of Hom complexes and box complexes associated to $r$-graphs
Simple Homotopy Types and Finite Spaces
Simple homotopy types of Hom-complexes, neighborhood complexes, Lovász complexes, and atom crosscut complexes
Simplicial and categorical comma categories
Simplicial localization of monoidal structures, and a non-linear version of Deligne's conjecture
Simplicial monoids and Segal categories
Simplicial Polytope Complexes and Deloopings of $K$-theory
Simplicial presheaves of coalgebras
Simplicial principal bundles in parametrized spaces
Simplicial resolutions and Ganea fibrations
Simplicial resolutions and spaces of algebraic maps between real projective spaces
Simplicial structures on model categories and functors
Simplification Techniques for Maps in Simplicial Topology