Characterizing algebraic stacks
Characterizing closed curves on Riemann surfaces via homology groups of coverings
Chen-Ruan Cohomology of cotangent orbifolds and Chas-Sullivan String Topology
Chern approximations for generalised group cohomology
Chern classes and generators
Chern numbers of Chern submanifolds
Chern subrings
Chiral differential operators on supermanifolds
Chow rings and cobordism of some Chevalley groups
Chromatic characteristic classes in ordinary group cohomology
Chromatic numbers, morphism complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes
Chromatic phenomena in the algebra of BP_{*}BP-comodules
Circle action and some vanishing results on manifolds
Circle valued Morse theory and Novikov homology
Circle-equivariant classifying spaces and the rational equivariant sigma genus
Clapp-Puppe Type Lusternik-Schnirelmann (Co)category in a Model Category
Class-combinatorial model categories
Classical invariants for global actions and groupoid atlases
Classification of (Z_p^k)^m orientation preserving actions on surfaces
Classification of Bott manifolds up to dimension eight