Decomposition of the diagonal and eigenvalues of Frobenius for Fano hypersurfaces
Decomposition of the Hochschild Complex of a Scheme in Arbitrary Characteristic
Decomposition Theorem for Perverse sheaves on Artin stacks over finite fields
Decompositions of Abelian surface and quadratic forms
Decompositions of motives of generalized Severi-Brauer varieties
Dedekind Zeta motives for totally real fields
Defect and Hodge numbers of hypersurfaces
Defect via differential forms with logarithmic poles
Definable sets, motives and p-adic integrals
Defining relations of the tame automorphism group of polynomial algebras in three variables
Definitive Computation of Bernstein-Sato Polynomials
Deformation along subsheaves, II
Deformation Classes of Real Four-dimensional Cubic Hypersurfaces
Deformation classes of real ruled manifolds
Deformation de fibres vectoriels sur les varietes lisses de dimension trois
Deformation Finiteness for Real Hyperkahler Manifolds
Deformation functors of local actions
Deformation inequivalent complex conjugated complex structures and applications
Deformation Invariance of Plurigenera
Deformation of $\ell$-adic sheaves with Undeformed Local Monodromy