Ideal Classes of the Weyl Algebra and Noncommutative Projective Geometry (with an Appendix by M. Van den Bergh)
Ideal-adic semi-continuity problem for minimal log discrepancies
Ideals generated by submaximal minors
Ideals of curves given by points
Ideals of the cohomology rings of Hilbert schemes and their applications
Ideals of varieties parameterized by certain symmetric tensors
Idempotent Semigroups and Tropical Algebraic Sets
Identifying Powers of Half-Twists and Computing its Root
Identifying quadric bundle structures on complex projective varieties
Identities for hyperelliptic P-functions of genus one, two and three in covariant form
Identities of Structure Constants for Schubert polynomials and Orders on S_n
Igusa's local zeta functions of semiquasihomogeneous polynomials
Igusa's modular form and the classification of Siegel modular threefolds
Iitaka conjecture $C_{n,m}$ in dimension six
Iitaka-Severi's Conjecture for Complex Threefolds
Iitaka-Viehweg conjectures C and C++
Images directes et fonctions L en cohomologie rigide
Images directes I: Espaces rigides analytiques et images directes
Images directes II: F-isocristaux convergents
Images directes III: F-isocristaux surconvergents