B-sub-modules of Lie(G)/Lie(B) and Smooth Schubert Varieties in G/B
Bäcklund Transformations of the Sixth Painlevé Equation in Terms of Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence
Bad loci of free linear systems
Baker-Akhiezer Modules on Rational Varieties
Baker-Akhiezer Modules on the Intersections of Shifted Theta Divisors
Balanced metrics on homogeneous vector bundles
Balanced normal cones and Fulton-MacPherson's intersection theory
Balanced Varieties
Bar construction and tannakization
Baric structures on triangulated categories and coherent sheaves
Base change and Grothendieck duality for Cohen-Macaulay maps
Base change behavior of the relative canonical sheaf related to higher dimensional moduli
Base change for semiorthogonal decompositions
Base loci of linear series are numerically determined
Base loci of linear systems and the Waring problem
Base locus of linear systems on the blowing-up of P^3 along at most 8 general points
Base manifolds for fibrations of projective irreducible symplectic manifolds
Base point free theorem of Reid-Fukuda type
Base point free theorems--saturation, b-divisors, and canonical bundle formula--
Base spaces of non-isotrivial families of smooth minimal models