J functions, non-nef toric varieties and equivariant local mirror symmetry of curves
J-invariant of linear algebraic groups
Jacobi cohomology, local geometry of moduli spaces, and Hitchin connections
Jacobi forms and the structure of Donaldson invariants for 4-manifolds with b_+=1
Jacobi inversion on strata of the Jacobian of the $C_{rs}$ curve $y^r = f(x)$. II
Jacobi-Bernoulli cohomology and deformations of schemes and maps
Jacobian Conjecture and Nilpotent Mappings
Jacobian discrepancies and rational singularities
Jacobian Newton Polyhedra and equisingularity
Jacobian Nullwerte associated to hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces
Jacobian of meromorphic curves
Jacobian varieties of reduced tropical curves
Jacobians among abelian threefolds: a geometric approach
Jacobians of singularized spectral curves and completely integrable systems
Jacobians with a vanishing theta-null in genus 4
Jacobians with complex multiplication
Jacobians with group actions and rational idempotents
Jet bundles on projective space
Jet bundles on projective space II
Jet schemes and invariant theory