A Calabi-Yau threefold with Brauer group (Z/8Z)^2
A Calabi-Yau threefold with non-Abelian fundamental group
A Candidate for the abelian category of mixed elliptic motives
A canonical bundle formular of projective Lagrangian fibrations
A canonical Frobenius structure
A canonical hyperkaehler metric on the total space of a cotangent bundle
A canonical lift of Chern-Mather classes
A canonical linear system associated to adjoint divisors in characteristic $p > 0$
A Caporaso-Harris type formula for Welschinger invariants of real toric Del Pezzo surfaces
A cascade of determinantal Calabi--Yau threefolds
A Categorical Formulation of Superalgebra and Supergeometry
A categorical invariant for cubic threefolds
A categorical proof of the Parshin reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces
A categorical quotient in the category of dense constructible subsets
A category of kernels for graded matrix factorizations and its implications for Hodge theory
A Change of Coordinates on the Large Phase Space of Quantum Cohomology
A characteristic p analogue of plt singularities and adjoint ideals
A characterization of certain irreducible symplectic 4-folds
A characterization of certain Shimura curves in the moduli stack of abelian varieties
A characterization of double covers of curves in terms of the ample cone of second symmetric product