Dependent default and recovery: MCMC study of downturn LGD credit risk model
Derivative Pricing under Asymmetric and Imperfect Collateralization and CVA
Derivatives and Credit Contagion in Interconnected Networks
Deriving consensus rankings via multicriteria decision making methodology
Description of the Operational Mechanics of a Basel Regulated Banking System
Design principles for an unmanned-spacecraft global heliogeophysical monitoring system.
Detecting anchoring in financial markets
Detecting coal fires in China using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
Detecting Collusive Cliques in Futures Markets Based on Trading Behaviors from Real Data
Detecting speculative bubbles created in experiments via decoupling in agent based models
Detection of Crashes and Rebounds in Major Equity Markets
Determinants of immediate price impacts at the trade level in an emerging order-driven market
Deterministic criteria for the absence of arbitrage in one-dimensional diffusion models
Deterministic definition of the capital risk
Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Two Non-stationary Time Series
Detrended fluctuation analysis of intertrade durations
Detrending moving average algorithm for multifractals
Diagnosis and Prediction of Market Rebounds in Financial Markets
Diagnosis and Prediction of Tipping Points in Financial Markets: Crashes and Rebounds
Diagnostics of Rational Expectation Financial Bubbles with Stochastic Mean-Reverting Termination Times