Fourier Transform Methods for Regime-Switching Jump-Diffusions and the Pricing of Forward Starting Options
From Black-Scholes and Dupire formulae to last passage times of local martingales. Part A : The infinite time horizon
FX Smile in the Heston Model
Geometric Arbitrage Theory and Market Dynamics
Geometric extension of put-call symmetry in the multiasset setting
GPGPUs in computational finance: Massive parallel computing for American style options
Graphical models for correlated defaults
Heat Kernel Interest Rate Models with Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Processes
Hedging Effectiveness under Conditions of Asymmetry
Hedging of Defaultable Contingent Claims using BSDE with uncertain time horizon
High-order short-time expansions for ATM option prices under the CGMY model
Implied Volatility Surface: Construction Methodologies and Characteristics
Indifference of Defaultable Bonds with Stochastic Intensity models
Information Percolation: Some General Cases with an Application to Econophysics
Is a probabilistic modeling really useful in financial engineering? - A-t-on vraiment besoin d'un modèle probabiliste en ingénierie financière ?
Is the minimum value of an option on variance generated by local volatility?
Laplace transformation method for the Black-Scholes equation
Limit Theorems for Partial Hedging Under Transaction Costs
Markov Chain Monte Carlo on Asymmetric GARCH Model Using the Adaptive Construction Scheme
Maximum likelihood approach for several stochastic volatility models