Calculation of aggregate loss distributions
Calibration and filtering for multi factor commodity models with seasonality: incorporating panel data from futures contracts
Chain ladder method: Bayesian bootstrap versus classical bootstrap
Comparison of numerical and analytical approximations of the early exercise boundary of the American put option
Comparison of Two Numerical Methods for Computation of American Type of the Floating Strike Asian Option
Computation of VaR and CVaR using stochastic approximations and unconstrained importance sampling
Computation of vector sublattices and minimal lattice-subspaces of R^k. Applications in finance
Computational LPPL Fit to Financial Bubbles
Computing Economic Equilibria by a Homotopy Method
Computing Tails of Compound Distributions Using Direct Numerical Integration
Conditional sampling for barrier option pricing under the LT method
Connecting discrete and continuous lookback or hindsight options in exponential Lévy models
Constrained NonSmooth Utility Maximization on the Positive Real Line
Convenient Multiple Directions of Stratification
Convex duality in stochastic programming and mathematical finance
Counterparty Risk Valuation: A Marked Branching Diffusion Approach