Semi-Closed Form Cubature and Applications to Financial Diffusion Models
Sensitivity analysis of the early exercise boundary for American style of Asian options
Sequential optimizing investing strategy with neural networks
Shaping tail dependencies by nesting box copulas
Shortfall Risk Approximations for American Options in the multidimensional Black--Scholes Model
Simulation de trajectoires de processus continus
Smooth Value Functions for a Class of Nonsmooth Utility Maximization Problems
Solving Optimal Dividend Problems via Phase-type Fitting Approximation of Scale Functions
Some Control Variates for exotic options
Stability of central finite difference schemes for the Heston PDE
State price density estimation via nonparametric mixtures
Stochastic Utilities With a Given Optimal Portfolio : Approach by Stochastic Flows
Study of the risk-adjusted pricing methodology model with methods of Geometrical Analysis
Swing Options Valuation: a BSDE with Constrained Jumps Approach
Symmetries of the Black-Scholes equation