Penalty Methods for the Solution of Discrete HJB Equations -- Continuous Control and Obstacle Problems
Perturbative Expansion of FBSDE in an Incomplete Market with Stochastic Volatility
Perturbative Expansion Technique for Non-linear FBSDEs with Interacting Particle Method
Phase transition in a log-normal Markov functional model
Picard approximation of stochastic differential equations and application to LIBOR models
Positive volatility simulation in the Heston model
Pricing and Semimartingale Representations of Vulnerable Contingent Claims in Regime-Switching Markets
Pricing Derivatives on Multiscale Diffusions: an Eigenfunction Expansion Approach
Pricing of average strike Asian call option using numerical PDE methods
Probability distribution of returns in the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model
Pseudorandom Financial Derivatives