An Hilbert space approach for a class of arbitrage free implied volatilities models
An iterative algorithm for evaluating approximations to the optimal exercise boundary for a nonlinear Black-Scholes equation
Analysis of the sensitivity to discrete dividends : A new approach for pricing vanillas
Analytic results and weighted Monte Carlo simulations for CDO pricing
Antithetic multilevel Monte Carlo estimation for multi-dimensional SDEs without Lévy area simulation
Appraisal of a contour integral method for the Black-Scholes and Heston equations
Arbitrage-free Pricing of Credit Index Options: The no-armageddon pricing measure and the role of correlation after the subprime crisis
Arbitrage-free Self-organizing Markets with GARCH Properties: Generating them in the Lab with a Lattice Model
Asymptotic analysis for stochastic volatility: Edgeworth expansion
Asymptotic Expansion for the Normal Implied Volatility in Local Volatility Models
Basket Options Valuation for a Local Volatility Jump-Diffusion Model with the Asymptotic Expansion Method
Bayesian Inference of Stochastic Volatility Model by Hybrid Monte Carlo
Bayesian Inference on QGARCH Model Using the Adaptive Construction Scheme
Bayesian inference with an adaptive proposal density for GARCH models
Bayesian Model Choice of Grouped t-copula
Bonds with volatilities proportional to forward rates
BSDEs with random default time and their applications to default risk
Calculation of aggregate loss distributions
Calibration and filtering for multi factor commodity models with seasonality: incorporating panel data from futures contracts
Chain ladder method: Bayesian bootstrap versus classical bootstrap