Valles Marineris layered deposits: Implications of origin
Valles Marineris, Mars - Wet debris flows and ground ice
Valles Marineris, Mars: High-Resolution Digital Terrain Model on the Basis of Mars-Express HRSC Data
Valley Network Formation on the Ancient Highlands of Mars Occurred in the Late Noachian and Early Hesperian Epochs
Valleys on Hecates Tholus, Mars: origin by basal melting of summit snowpack
Value Based Argumentation Frameworks
Value of Usage and Seller's Listing Behavior in Internet Auctions
Value Withdrawal Explanation in CSP
Value withdrawal explanations: a theoretical tool for programming environments
Value, Variety and Viability: Designing For Co-creation in a Complex System of Direct and Indirect (goods) Service Value Proposition
Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall for Quadratic portfolio of securities with mixture of elliptic Distributed Risk Factors
VAMDC: The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center
Van Wijngaarden grammars, metamorphism and K-ary malwares
Vanadium and Copper in Chondrites
Vanadium as an Oxygen Geobarometer in Basaltic Magmas: the Further Development of a Geochemical Electromotive Force Series in Silicate Melts
Vanadium in peridotites, mantle redox and tectonic environments: Archean to present
Vanadium isotopic composition and contents in gas-rich meteorites
Vanadyl 3-nor C 30 DPEP: Indicator of depositional environment of a lacustrine sediment
Vanadyl in natural waters: Adsorption and hydrolysis promote oxygenation
Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia: a Bag-of-Words Classifier Approach