Variations in Thermospheric Composition: a Model Based on Mass-Spectrometer and Satellite-Drag Data
Variations in thickness of layer 3 dominate oceanic crustal structure
Variations in total solar and spectral irradiance as measured by the VIRGO experiment on SOHO
Variations of Ap stars in the Geneva system (Manfroid+ 1998)
Variations of Chondrite Properties with Heliocentric Distance
Variations of cosmic rays in the heliosphere in the decline phase of the 19th solar cycle
Variations of cosmic-ray intensity due to ionospheric waves during morning and evening hours
Variations of delta S-34/SO4/, delta O-18/H2O/, and Cl/SO4 ratio in rainwater over northern Israel, from the Mediterranean coast to Jordan Rift Valley and Golan Heights
Variations of electron density in the D-region
Variations of energetic electron fluxes to the pole from the external boundary of the outer electron radiation belt of the Earth and the position of auroral oval
Variations of energetic particles in the radiation belts during the strong magnetic storm of March 24-26, 1991
Variations of fast charged particles in the event of November 22, 1977 according to data of the Cosmos-900 satellite
Variations of foF2 and GPS total electron content over the Antarctic sector
Variations of images to increase their visibility
Variations of Initial Abundance of 26Al Among the Micron-sized 16O-rich, Solar Corundum Grains from Ordinary and Carbonaceous Chondrite
Variations of interstellar H atom parameters in the outer heliosphere: solar cycle effects
Variations of ion composition and electron density accompanying solar flares
Variations of ion composition in geostationary orbit during a geomagnetic storm
Variations of ionospheric characteristics during winter warmings of the stratosphere
Variations of Jovian aurora induced by changes in solar wind dynamic pressure