Satellite-derived vertical dependence of tropical tropospheric temperature trends
Saturated gravity wave spectra measured with balloons in Mendoza (Argentina)
Saturn gravity results obtained from Pioneer 11 tracking data and earth-based Saturn satellite data
Saturn Tropospheric Water Measured with ISO/SWS
Saturn's Deep Cloud Structure Derived From 5-Micron Spectra
Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation: Evidence of Descending Thermal Structure from Cassini Radio Occultations
Saturn's Haze Properties in the Near Infrared
Saturn's ring "propellers": gravitational or granular?
Saturnian Earth-like worlds, Titan and Enceladus: a surficial comparative study.
SBARMO-78 Auroral Zone Balloon Programme during IMS Coordinated with GEOS II
SBARMO-79: Experiments and results
SC-associated effects in auroras
Scan asymmetries in AMSU-B data
Scatter of hmF2 values as an indicator of trends in the thermospheric dynamics
Scattering and multiple scattering of acoustic waves in a stratified medium
Scattering cross section for the reflection of radio waves from a planet with spherically symmetric atmosphere
Scattering of acoustic waves from a magnetic flux tube embedded in a radiating fluid
Scattering of electromagnetic waves by electron acoustic waves
Scattering of MHD Waves by Sunspots
Scattering of p-modes by a sunspot